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#1 28-09-2004 20:11

Inscription : 2000
Messages : 1 435

nouveaux numéros PARMA ELDALAMBERON

(j'ouvre un fuseau dont le titre indique qu'il sera réutilisable :-) ;
lu sur mythsoc :)


SÍ QENTE FEANOR and Other Elvish Writings

PARMA ELDALAMBERON is a journal of the Elvish Linguistic Fellowship,
a special interest group of the Mythopoeic Society.
The current issue is a collection of early writings by J. R. R. Tolkien concerning his invented languages and scripts, edited and annotated by Arden R. Smith, Christopher Gilson, Patrick H. Wynne and Bill Welden, under the guidance of Christopher Tolkien and with the permission of the Tolkien Estate.


"SÍ QENTE FEANOR" is a prose excerpt written in Qenya. It was composed by Tolkien in the same notebook that contains the tale called "The Nauglafring" and the Gnomish Grammar.  Other writings from the Lost Tales period presented in this issue include a list of Qenya and Gnomish "NAMES AND REQUIRED ALTERATIONS" connected with
"The Cottage of Lost Play"; two charts laying out the sound system of Gnomish; and various early notes on Elvish words and names not found anywhere else.
Also presented here is the full text of the "NAME-LIST TO THE FALL OF GONDOLIN," excerpts from which were published in "The Book of Lost Tales, Part Two."
Editorial commentary is provided on the connections of these texts with the contemporary tales and lexicons.

"EARLY RUNIC DOCUMENTS" is an edition of Tolkien's charts and notes from about 1918 to 1925 dealing with runes and various rune-like alphabets.  Tolkien's examples of the scripts are reproduced in fascimile — charts of the sounds represented by the letters, and Elvish words and English texts written in the scripts.  These include
English and Gothic runes; Gondolinic runes; and two invented scripts, one called simply "Runic" and the other called "Gnomic Letters".  Transcriptions of the examples, and commentary on the dating and historical background are provided.  Also published in this issue is an  "ADDENDUM TO THE ALPHABET OF RÚMIL AND THE VALMARIC SCRIPT." 
This is a document recently encountered among Tolkien's  papers which includes texts written in both of these early invented scripts.

Tables of "EARLY QENYA PRONOUNS" provide a glimpse of the transition in the conception of the language between the Lost Tales period and the "Early Qenya Grammar" that Tolkien composed while at Leeds.
And closely connected with the grammar we also present the beginnings of an "ENGLISH-QENYA DICTIONARY" which Tolkien started to compile at this time. A remarkable feature of this dictionary is that most of the Qenya words in it are transcribed into the Valmaric script, providing one of the more elaborate examples of Tolkien's own
representation of an Elvish language using an Elvish writing system.  From about the same period a partial "INDEX OF NAMES" for "The Lay of the Children of Húrin" is also presented in this issue.  Detailed annotations and commentary on the conceptual developments in these
texts are included.

Cover designs and illustration by Adam Victor Christensen.

Parma Eldalamberon Issue Number 15 is a 122-page journal.
Cost: $25.00 per copy including postage and handling world-wide.
Electronic payment by PayPal is available at the following link:

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#2 01-10-2004 01:18

Inscription : 2000
Messages : 1 164

Re : nouveaux numéros PARMA ELDALAMBERON

Encore un excellent numéro de Parma Eldalamberon en perspective ! Il faut d'ailleurs saluer au passage le rythme de parution quasi-effréné de l'équipe éditoriale de l'Elvish Linguistic Society qui a pour mission de publier les écrits inédits de Tolkien (principalement à teneur linguistique). Si les n°11 (Gnomish Lexicon)et 12 (Qenya Lexicon) de PE dataient respectivement de 1995 et 1998 (tous deux réédités cette année), les 3 derniers numéros se sont succédés très rapidement : n°13 en 2001 (The Alphabet of Rúmil & Early Noldorin Fragments), n°14 en 2003 (Early Qenya & Valmaric) et un nouveau numéro cette année. Si l'on ajoute à cela le rythme tout à fait correct de parution des derniers Vinyar Tengwar, très intéressant au demeurant, il devient difficile de suivre le rythme (ces publications recèlent beaucoup de données nouvelles qu'il faut prendre le temps d'analyser).

Evidemment, ce sont surtout les linguistes et étudiants des langues elfiques qui vont se réjouir, puisque ce nouveau numéro est encore principalement consacré aux langues et aux alphabets (un texte en prose en Qenya, des études phonologiques du gnomique, les premiers documents sur les runes, les pronoms de l'early qenya et un début de dictionnaire anglais-qenya).

Mais je pense que le texte en qenya (Sí quente Feanor) et la publication intégrale de la liste de noms associée à la Chute de Gondolin (dont seul des extraits étaient jusqu'alors publiés dans le 2e tome des Contes Perdus) peuvent également intéresser ceux qui s'intéressent de près au légendaire, à l'onomastique, à l'étude diachronique ou à l'évolution externe de l'oeuvre de Tolkien.

En tout cas, j'attend avec impatience ce nouveau numéro de Parma !


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