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To start with, I'm really sorry for the off-subject topic but I hope that you could help me find what I look for.
I'm a member of the greek Tolkien society and in approximately one week I'm about to come to Paris (for a few days).
I'm interested in buying some Tolkien-related books. More specifically, books by french authors (such as E. Kloczko), french or english special editions, and generally any Tolkien-related books that don't exist in my country.I'm also interested in miniatures, plates, cups etc.
If anyone of you could possibly direct me to the right places,that would be very helpful.
Hantanyel, vanimar!
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Hello Nolwe,
I think the best place to go for the books is the FNAC, for instance at Châtelet-les Halles (tube station). for objects, I would suggest "Arkham" near Le Panthéon (tube station : Luxembourg) in le quartier latin.
is it helpful ?
all the best,
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And Vincent (Ferre) has not spocken of his book, Tolkien, sur les Rivages de la Terre du Milieu ... really good, of course :), almost every French Tolkiendil has it near The Lord of the Rings :) There are two editions : Christian Bourgois and Pocket (coll. Agora). The second is cheaper, if you have to buy 24 books and I-do-not-know-how-many-objects :)
May the sun shines when you'll be in Paris ! (you can try to translate in quenya, I'm not tempted personnaly :) )
Stéphanie- who hopes there are no mistakes, but I've worked my spanish today :)
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Puisque tu y tiens (à charge de revanche) ... : may the sun shine when you are in Paris :) :) :)
As for the books of E. J. Kloczko I'm afraid you will not find what you would hope since the first one (French-English-Quenya dictionnary) is out of print and the second is only in French (but is in itself of great interest ...).
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Ahem ... and the second EJK's book is : "Dictionnaire des Langues des Hobbits, des Nains, des Orques ...", Arda editions, 2002 :)
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You may also try the Joseph Gibert bookshop on boulevard Saint-Michel (not far from Sorbonne university), their English department is quite keen on Tolkien; as for French books, I would say the level there is the same as that of the FNAC. But the FNAC's English department sucks:(IMHO)
At W.H. Smith's (an English bookshop), rue de Rivoli, close to the place de la Concorde, there's a good Tolkien department too; but J. Gibert is slightly cheaper;)
Welcome to Paris!
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Basically I'd like to buy books in french, cause it's difficult to find any in Greece. English books are common. (I can read french but I can't speak or right very well and that's the reason why I don't write my posts in french).
Thank you all so very much. You've been very helpful. I guess now it will be much easier to find what I want. I wish I could bring you some books (by greek authors) in return but I suppose you wouldn't be able to read them...
Merci beaucoup
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Puisque tu lis le Français, peux-tu me dire si on trouve encore facilement à Athènes la traduction en français des poèmes de Constantin Cavafy par Ange Vlachos aux éditions Icaros. Je cherche ce livre depuis plusieurs années pour l'offrir à une amie et je ne le trouve pas dans les librairies françaises, même celles spécialisées en littérature grecque.
Merci par avance des renseignements que tu pourras trouver.
Bon séjour à Paris
Silmo (HS)
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